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Psychic Spiritual sessions are tailored to individual needs


Receivers of my sessions, have full bodied experiences leaving them with a deep sense of calm, relief from worry, and clearly defined steps/actions to take now.


Psychic Reading


This is the best place to start if you are new to working with A Shanti Ki.


Reading sessions are for those seeking clarity in their current life situations. Vanessa will look at the current energies in your body and relay messages from Spirit(which can include: your higher self, your body/mind/emotions, guides & ancestors, passed away loved ones, angels, your past lives, and more)


Sessions bring things up from unconsciousness and into the light of conscious awareness. Often having a deeply validating effect.


Receiving this information brings in clarity, ease and empowerment when we need it most.  


Psychic Reading's are individually customized, confidential, and can include or be focused on:


* Soul Essence Reading - Your Current state of being energetically, offering another perspective of your current experiences, thoughts, emotional and physical states of being. (often times this is all we need to get things moving, a new perspective.)


* Aura Layers/ Chakras - To look at the energy in your first 7 Aura layers/Chakras gives an in depth review on the way you are taking care of yourself, your emotions, your power, your dreams, your truth, your communication, your view of the world, and the way you wish the world to perceive you.


* Questions - Personal questions you have, specific and or general regarding any life area.


* Mediumship - Passed away loved ones, spirit guides, ancestors, pets.


* Death Assistance - To assist a loved ones soul as it prepares to leave their body and pass on. This can be done when they are near death or within a week after their passing. (For humans and pets)






- long distance will not negatively impact your experience or accuracy of information, I work with people all over the world.


SESSIONS ARE NOT RECORDED, nor permitted to be recorded




Phone Sessions ONLY


- 45minutes: $125

- 60minutes: $150

- 90minutes: $225


Packages for Reading Sessions available

in APPOINTMENT tab at the top of this page:

- 60min reading package (6 sessions)

- 777 Grace Package (780min of time that can be redeemed for readings and healing sessions)

Go to the APPOINTMENT scheduling (tab) at the top of this page for availability
Vanessa at Ankgor Wat Cambodia

Past Life Karma Clearing - Healing Session


Session is specific healing for Past Life karma impacting your life in present time.

This is a deep level of clearing and healing work around any karma.


How do you know if you need this? If there are long lived patters reeking havoc in your life this session is for you.

(This is my psychic version of a hypnotherapists past life regression therapy)


Past Life Karma impacting your life currently can look like:

- Depression, Anxiety, Guilt, Shame, Insecurity

- Major Life transitions (death, illness, ending relationships, job loss, moving, etc)

- Complexity or drama & hardship in any kind of relationship - family, romantic, career

- Any time we are processing intense emotional growth that is new, repetitive, or extensive over time

- Self defeating beliefs or habits that hold you back from living your best life, speaking your truth, embodying your sexuality, living in purpose

- Old Trauma that just wont seem to fully heal


You get the idea, ANY-thing going on in present time that is in need of healing will get worked thoroughly during these Pat Life Karma Clearing healing sessions. Give yourself the freedom to move forward and up into a refined version of you!


These 90 min calls include:
*Sharing your intention for the deep karmic healing, what do you currently feel needs supportive healing work?
*Revealing of past lives that have active karma in your body
*Clear & Healing that karma and the past life itself
*Dismantle programming in the mind, emotional body, physical body and spiritual body that fed off that karma and does not support you.
*Replenish & Rebalance aura/chakras, cellular files and energy with updated empowered energy to support you!


                                                                                     Check out the APPOINTMENT Scheduling page (at top) for availability and pricing!

Image by ameenfahmy

Energy Re-Boot - Healing Session


This healing is a re-boot for when you are feeling bogged down, getting ready to start a new project or just want some regular energy body maintenance. I will speak with you about any focuses you may have and will do a full sweep of your chakra system making sure everything is running at its highest capacity so that you have all the energy you need to do what you need to do.


Healings will have you leaving the session feeling calm and rejuvenated! 

Check out more on this offering in the APPOINTMENT Scheduling tab at the top of the page!

**I only offer services over the phone!

If you are looking for in person healing sessions:

I recommend the following Reiki practitioner for Treatments & Reiki Training.

Denver, Colorado
Reiki with Holly

Image by Annie Spratt



My New Book!

Whispers From The Goddess Realm

-  Releasing Spring 2025



Everyone is Psychic!

Our time together is designed to build & expand that psychic muscle you inherently have!

This offering is for:
* Anyone wanting to know themselves more fully, deeply honor themselves in Authentic Embodiment, build trust in themselves & Life, expand spiritual practices &/or strengthen their spiritual connection
* Those beginning a spiritual journey & wanting to open their own connection to higher self, guides, angels, etc
* Those having sudden awakening of psychic abilities already & in need of guidance to harness this expansion
* Those advanced in their own healing modalities, space holding, community leaders, healers, teachers, coaches, yoga, etc, wanting to continue their development with a mentor
                       These 1 on 1 sessions are highly personalized to meet you at your current level of psychic awareness & build from there!

- Do you have an desire to know how to heal/manage your own energy & trauma?

- Do you want to build trust and confidence in your own natural abilities?
- Do you feel ready to train & offer yourself as a healer to the world?
- Do you want to transform your life or help other people transform theirs?
- Do you want to expand your space holding abilities?

You have a purpose here on this Earth!
Together we will work intimately to bring it from behind the veil & into the light of your being!

*This container is currently FULL

**Message Vanessa to GET ON THE WAIT LIST to join the next psychic development training opening. (Email:


Read More about these classes below:

Psychic Development training is a package containing 6 classes which can take 6 weeks - to 3 months to complete - Classes are booked once a week to once every other week and are 2 hour teaching/mentoring sessions. These sessions are One-on-One and highly individualized to the student for optimal growth and absorption.


Our Time Together Includes:
       This is a container for a spiritual activation that will create change in your life by shifting the ways you interact with your day to day experiences as well as expanding and healing your inner world.

       We asses what level of psychic awareness accessibility is available to you and how to apply it to your current timing in life.


*The work of opening and expanding into psychic areas of sensitivity and awareness access is not always easy, pleasant, or comfortable.
        I will curate a uniquely cultivated multi-pot of practices, psychic tools, meditations, rituals, self care techniques, perspectives and beliefs, and more in order to active your intuitive growth. 

        The combination of these applications practiced over time will bring about energic & vibrational alignment for your natural development of psychic abilities to be integrated with as much ease as possible.

        Most importantly this container is designed to develop the trust necessary for you to lean into you intuitive abilities fully and safely.


We can work on opening up other psychic pathways that you do not have as much of a naturalness for based on your desired intentions for studies and your current capacities.

In session:
- We speak about current events in your life
- Explore and develop your psychic skills
- Curate personalized rituals to support your present journey
- Connect you into meditation practices that work for best supporting you
- Open awareness of other life practices that will assist in your experience of being a human and developing your psychic connection
- Discussions on theory, ethics, morals, philosophy, etc - stimulate the mental capacity to keep in alignment with the spiritual shifts based on intentional energetic movement.
- Expect lots of Practice, Practice, Practice!


This is a space for Learning!  Sometimes learning will involve struggle.  This is a safe space to be in the struggle of psychic growth periods with guidance for you to practice applying what we learn and therefore being in the practice of supporting yourself and becoming your very own medicine.

The way I teach development of your psychic skills has a building effect, meaning you will be able to apply multiple psychic tools of self support to any given situation.  This ensures the building of your psychic muscles during our time together and that it happens at a digestible rate for your physical body, mental and emotional states. 
These sessions will also ask of you to be willing to face your current belief systems and call upon your courage to shift belief systems that do not support your being or becoming. You will be encouraged to expand your vista of perspectives and challenge your unconscious programming.

---------One example is a grantee that we will end up working together on the energy of doubt.  Finding what fuels the doubt in your body, therefore cutting you off from your intuitive connection.  We bring clearing to doubt programing within your system and begin the work of creating trust in You and your own divine connection. We also work with and clear layers of fear programing that disconnects you from your truth, your connection to spirit and the will to live the life of your dreams.


We will go over ways you can continue to create a sense of connection to your inner truth and soul awareness, higher self, wisdom of your heart, guides, angels, ancestors, passed away loved ones, terrestrial beings(if desired), ascended masters, your oh so magical inner life guidance system and more!


All of these facets are applied with the intention of bringing more ease, understanding, self acceptance, courage, trust, decision making authority, boundaries, and more into your every day living. 


This type of 1 on 1 psychic development training is for psychics at all levels of practice from beginning to advanced practitioners wishing to continue the expansion of their psychic development growth.


*This can be mentally and emotionally challenging work and it is suggested that you do not begin this training during any kind of major life upheaval such as moving, financial instability, or difficulty in caring for the wellbeing of your body.
** If you feel unsure if this applies to you currently or not: please Email Vanessa ( to discuss the alignment of this training course for you in present time.
- Those struggling with addiction or self harm are not aligned candidates for this program due to the intensity of growth cycles that can happen when expanding your psychic awareness.


Session may or may not have a portion of time dedicated to you receiving energy healings from Vanessa. This will be based on Vanessa's soul guidance and not on personal desire of client. If healings are offered to you by Vanessa during the container it is only because she has seen that it will assist in your development to being able to show up for yourself.
  -  You may request healing at any point during the container if you feel you are in need of help. If your request is denied by Vanessa on any occasions; know that it is not personal and is coming from a place of spiritual belief in your own ability to heal it.  In these circumstances Vanessa will teach and guide you through practices for the development of your own self healing.


This is a mentoring flow, interwoven with teachings and techniques originating from multiple spiritual practice pathways, guided meditations, personal practices, self awareness, self care and body care, self love development, relationship health, rituals, trust practices, manifestation techniques, philosophical and spiritual discussions and so much more!


We will get up close and personal with all your human happening while bring developmental awareness to the psychic aspect of your eternal spirit that walks along with that human body in this Earth reality/dimension.


Cultivating this close-ness with yourself brings ease to the ever changing currents of life's journey by building a sense of trust in your own capability to meet life and creates a sense of connection that may have otherwise felt missing.

A choice to take this initiation step of psychic development takes you down a path that activates your trust in life and trust in your ability - to be and bring yourself fully - to the life being presented to you!

This doesn't mean challenging things will stop happening as you cultivate your psychic powers, it just means the way you feel about yourself while everything else is happening will fuel that inner fire to keep going, growing and cultivates vitality resilience to pursue life with purpose, trust, passion and awe in the absolute magic that unfolds in every moment around us.


Are you ready?
I await you!


Package Includes:
* Six, 2 hour - One on One live Zoom Room sessions
* Recording of the zoom room class for you to download and keep, including notes from Vanessa about the class and at home study topics
* Classes booked based on schedule - not set for a specific day and time - giving you flexibility in you development time frame
* 2 thirty minute Energy Check Calls (these are to practice & fine tuning your awareness with direct feedback and support from Vanessa over the phone)
*Creating a total of 13 hours in 8 live connection times together, with 12 hours of recordings to keep and reference forevermore.
* Receive - Healing, Clearing, Attunements and Activations for psychic development from Vanessa based on soul guidance
* Teachings of a variation of Guided Meditations and techniques for psychic development, self healing, energy management and space holding
* Rituals and Ceremonies for your own unique path of psychic development and sense of spiritual connection depending on your personal goals and intentions built within your psychic development
* Intuitive Guidance on self care practices of the body, mind, emotions, and energy to assist in the expansion of your psychic development and sense of well being in your present journey and growth
* Time to ask all your questions!
* Intimate deep dive into your experiences, teaching you how to interprate psychic information from everyday life and how to move with the current of what and how things are unfolding for you
* Expansion in your psychic abilities, your trust, and clarity around the information you receive through your psychic channels, and what to do with all that information!
*Boosting in self confidence and a feeling of your place of worthiness and belonging here on Earth
*Along with tons of encouragement, this container is designed for you to thrive!

This is a highly individualized offering so the exact teachings can not all be outlined here as it will vary for each student.


Possible avenues of exploration together are:
* Clairvoyance - Psychic sight
* Clairaudience - Psychic hearing
* Clairsentience - Psychic sensing
* Claircognizant - Psychic knowing
* Trance Medium Channeling - Channeling
* Mediumship - Communication with non embodied beings
* Telepathy - Mind Reading
* Energy Boundaries - how to keep yourself safe and whole and fully energized
* Self Healing - how to clear, repair, heal, re-charge your own energy field
* Karma Clearing - transmutation of old patterns
* Past Lives - How to see, find, understand, read into and work with past life energy and the Akashic Records
* Space Clearing and Holding
* Psychic Respect, morals and ethics - What to do with all the information you pick up on and how to respect others in the process
* Healing - How to do psychic healing work on self, pets, others, and places
* Strengthening connections with your life guides, ancestors, angels, etc.
* Extra Terrestrial encounters and agreements - Abductions, Contact of any kind, Walk In's, Star Lineage
* Lucid Dreaming - Consciousness on the Astral Plane while the body is sleeping
* Animal Communication
* Astral Projection/Travel
* Light Language attunements and channeling
* Connecting with and working with Crystals, the moon, plants


This package is valued at $3,150.00 (discounts are usually posted during enrolment times. Currently FULL)

   *Payment Plans are not available for Psychic Development.
                      - This is an investment in your spiritual expansion and requires an act of full commitment as a part of the initiation to begin these studies.

                      Paying in full will solidify your energy commitment to show up for the time together via investment.

                      This work isn't always easy, and this actualized energy of commitment has shown to be necessary over the many years I have been teaching                        for students to show up fully for the training which will also include homework.

                      Payment also shows an acceptance for self responsibility, a readiness spiritually for holding the growth cycles that will come with this type of                          developmental training.


Have a question about an area you want to develop as a psychic?  Reach out to Vanessa to asses if we are a good match to work together in this type of container as your next steps for spiritual development.


Energy Checks

For Students of Psychic Development ONLY


Students of :A Shanti Ki's 1:1 Psychic Development with Vanessa


Tune In & Tune Up on what you've already learned!


A 30 minute call where you will run your psychic tools & I will witness & offer feedback/guidance based on what's working well & what needs extra psychic love & attention!


Gain support & clarity in this healing update on your connection to your psychic tools


These calls are great for maintenance and upkeep after you have completed a package of training! Think of it as a vitamin boost directly to your psychic space and to your connection with your psychic tools.


This session brings deeper integration, advancement in your precision, clarity, ease, healing and more!


This is not the correct space for learning new tools. Instead we focus on what you already know and make it even better!


Divination Classes


2025 is a year full of development here at A Shanti Ki.  I am in the process of pre-recording short mini classes focused on at home rituals and how to cleanse and use different divination tools.


Stay tuned here on the website or on my Instagram page to know when they release!

​Guided Meditation Videos:

Meditation is key to awareness! Over the years I have studied and practiced a variety of meditation techniques.
During 2024 I will be working to pre-record a variety of mediation options as a video. Stay tuned here or on Instagram to keep up to date with the many new offerings launching in 2025!
Image by Edward Howell

Disclosure for all A Shanti Ki Services



1. Your Name : A Shanti Ki Ltd.

2. Your Address: 2635 S. Irving St Denver

3. Your Phone: 303-257-4732

As a Complementary and Alternative Health Care Practitioner, I am not licensed, certified or registered by the state of Colorado as a health care professional.  I am not a licensed medical physician and do not diagnose, treat or prescribe remedies for the treatment of disease.  The services I perform, whether in person, by mail or by phone, are at all times restricted to complementary and alternative health care services intended for the maintenance of the best possible state of general well-being.  I am prohibited from performing surgery or any invasive procedure, administer or prescribe x-ray radiation, prescribe prescription drugs, use general or spinal anesthetics, administer ionizing radioactive substances, use a laser device that punctures the skin, perform enemas/colonics unless board certified, practice midwifery, practice psychotherapy, perform spinal manipulation, practice optometry, directly administer medical protocols to a pregnant woman or a person who has cancer, practice dentistry, set fractures, practice massage therapy, provide a conventional medical disease diagnosis or recommend the discontinuation of a course of care recommended by a health care professional.  I am also prohibited from treating children less than two years of age.  In order to treat a child who is between 2-8 years of age, I must have a written, signed consent of the child’s parent or legal guardian:

The services I provide are as follows:

My professional degrees, training, experience, credentials and qualifications are as follows:

I took Reiki training with Reiki with Holly.  I took Psychic Spiritual Guidance training and completed my Ministerial Ordainment with Boulder Psychic Institute, The Church of Divine Light.  I have been practicing Reiki since 2012 and I have been practicing Psychic Spiritual Guidance Readings since 2015.

Whispers From The Goddess Realm

Poetry Oracle

Written by Vanessa Farrell of A Shanti Ki

Releasing Spring 2025!

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